I began making this soup at 0930 (a.m.). I was also looking after my 10 month old grandson, Miles. ( Just trying to give you a little background).
0915: Peeled 2 butternut squash with the "Miracle peeler". (See "Bargains").Worked really well.
0925: Scooped out seeds with a melon baller.
0930: Chopped up squash into (about) 2" chunks.
0940: Placed squash on to 2 sheet trays, sprayed with No-Stick.
0945: Spread 1 stick melted butter over squash.
0946: Season squash with salt, pepper and brown sugar. (You must season liberally, as squash needs salt, pepper, and sugar to develop flavors.
0950: Place squash in 425 degree oven for 40 minutes. Take picture.
0955: Chop 2 onions and 2 leeks. Place halved leeks in clean water. Get rid of the dirt and sand. Rinse again. Take picture.
Slice in half.

Put the leeks in a clean sink full of cold water. Shussh them about a bit. Get all the sand out.
1010: Slice leeks. Take picture.
1020: Carry baby. Remove squash from oven. Take picture.
1032: Baby not happy. Heat off Dutch oven. Remote control in baby's mouth.
11:00: Heat to medium under Dutch oven. Put 2 chopped onions and 2 chopped leeks, and 2 cinnamon sticks in Dutch oven with 2 Tbls olive oil. Season with salt and pepper. Stir. Take picture.

Add 2 chopped carrots. Slice vertically down the center.
Slice vertically again.
Slice horizontally.
Add them to the pot with the leeks and onions. Stir every few minutes.
11:15: Baby sleeping in Pea Pod.
11:20: Take whole nutmeg nuts. Grate one half of one nut on a microplane over squash. Take picture. (A very bad picture).
11:21: Sprinkle 1 Tbls Chili powder, 2 Tbls Cumin, 1 shake liquid smoke, juice of one half an orange, over squash. Add roasted squash to soup pot.
Add 1 cup white wine. Simmer. After about 10 minutes, add 1 quart chicken stock.
12:00: Baby up. Diaper change.
Play time: Baby emptied all drawers and cabinets of contents within baby's reach. Successfully grabbed camera while Nan (me) stirring soup. Camera thrown to floor. Camera now has a black screen. Will not take a picture. Will not access either the "menu" or "mode" modalities. Camera appears to be dead. He looks innocent, doesn't he? There are no more pics of this soup.
1400: Nan needs a nap. Nan &baby recline on couch. Nan attempts to put baby in peapod. No success. Baby wants to recline on Nan's chest. And so it is.
1600: Kelsey arrives. Miles ecstatic. Wants nothing to do with Nan. Nan now free to finish soup.
1615: Tasted soup. Not good. Added 2 Tbls butter, 1 Tbls salt, 1 cup heavy cream, and 1 additional quart chicken broth.
1700: Soup tastes good. Buzzed it up with the immersion blender. (Could also use a blender or food processor to get a creamy, silky texture). Whip 1 cup heavy cream with 1 Tbls cinnamon. Put in fridge. Serve a dollop on top of soup.
1715: Toast 1 cup walnuts in a skillet with chili powder, cumin, cinnamon, brown sugar. Adjust to taste. Serve soup, followed by cinnamon cream, topped with spiced walnuts.
1800: Ladle soup into jars for family to take home. Advised to serve with Whipped cream and spiced walnuts.
1801: Hugs and kisses from all 3 kids. That's a good day!